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Application advice

Applications for suburbs, estates and roads

The application process for new suburbs, estates or roads is often unique to each project. For this reason, we cannot provide a definitive guide for your application.

We recommend you call us on 02 6248 3111 (select option 3) or visit us at 12 Hoskins Street Mitchell, between the hours of 9am and 4pm (Monday-Friday). Our team will be more than happy to discuss your objectives, requirements and timeline.

Application overview
The steps below will give you a broad overview of what to expect in the application process. Please contact us directly to get a clear idea of how to show your project is compliant with our standards and guidelines.

Step 1: Strategic planning and technical feasibility ]

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Do not commission drawings or plans at this stage of the process - they may be subject to change.

If you are planning to develop a new estate, we strongly recommend contacting us as soon as possible. We need to investigate whether our existing networks can service your new development.

Large-scale developments need new water and sewer networks and may also require changes to our existing networks. In some cases, these developments may need strategic assets like reservoirs, odour controls units, pump stations, etc, which need a different process for construction and handover.

If you are planning to do roadworks in urban or developed areas, we strongly recommend contacting us about hydraulic asset acceptance. We need to investigate whether your changes affect our existing network. You can contact us at


Please be aware: The construction of high/medium voltage electrical infrastructure (e.g. sub-stations) in developments provide an inherent risk to metallic pipelines.

If your development involves the installation of electrical infrastructure, or the construction of new water mains and services in proximity to existing electrical infrastructure, we strongly encourage you to contact us early. We must confirm whether you are required to provide an electrical study/report from an independent, suitably qualified and experienced consultant in accordance with this Icon Water engineering standard. You are advised to include the findings of that report in the design of your proposed works before submitting your design to us.


What you need to do:

It is important to understand which assets are located on (or near) your property. This is because the position of easements, pipe protection envelopes, zones of influence and access ways will restrict where you're allowed to develop. Your submission may not be successful without this information. We recommend you complete the following steps:

1. Contact Before You Dig Australia (BYDA). This free national service will provide plans highlighting the approximate location of assets on your property.

2. You'll then need to confirm this information is accurate.

3. Finally, once you have confirmed the location of any existing assets, you can begin designing your proposal.


What you get in return:

Knowing where assets are located on your property, and what clearances are required, will give you a clear idea of whether your plans will meet our requirements.

Contacting us at this stage will help us determine whether our existing networks can service your development.


What's next?

Once you have gathered the necessary information listed above, please move on to 'Step 2: Engage a consultant'.

Step 2: Engage a consultant ]

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What you need to do:

Submissions must be accompanied by comprehensive plans and documentation that align with our suite of standards and guidelines. Due to certain regulatory requirements, this information is often tailored towards a specialised audience.


What you get in return:

Suitably qualified, and experienced, consultants are best placed to complete this application on your behalf.


What's next?

Once you have hired a consultant you should let them complete this submission process on your behalf. Otherwise, please move on to 'Step 3: Submit in-principle designs'.

Step 3: Submit in-principle designs ]

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At this stage you need to commission drawings and plans for your project.

What you need to do:

Now that you've gathered and reviewed all necessary information, you need to:

1. Complete our major design form pack (DFP) for the in-principle design of all suburb and estate developments.

For roadworks, you can complete the minor design form pack if you do not trigger changes to our mains.

2. Complete an external services plan (ESP) for your in-principle design.

3. Submit the DFP and your ESP to as part of your in-principle design submission*.

* This is a free service.


Please remember: You must engage a chartered engineer for suburb and estate developments. However, for roadwork projects you only require a chartered engineer if your development triggers changes to our mains.


What you get in return:

Our team will review your plans and reach out if there are any issues. We usually respond to submissions/resubmissions within 10-15 business days.

If your ESP meets our requirements (and any necessary changes have been made) you will receive both an 'in-principle' acceptance and a reference number for your project.

We will also advise whether your project will attract a WSCC charge**

** The Water and Sewerage Capital Contributions (WSCC) code considers the effect that all developments have on the water and sewer networks. Charges are raised to fund future improvements that are required to cater for increased development.


What's next?

Once you have received both an 'in-principle' acceptance and a reference number, please move on to 'Step 4: Lodge a pre-DA network protection compliance (NPC) submission'.

Step 4: Lodge a pre-DA network protection compliance (NPC) submission ]

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 What you need to do:

You need to ask your consultant (or ACT Planning) whether your project requires territory government planning approval. If it does, you will need pre-DA network protection compliance from us. The NPC must be included in your planning application to the ACT Government.

If your project doesn't require an NPC, please move on to 'Step 6: submit detailed designs'.


To receive an NPC from us you will need to provide:

1. A block/section number.

2. The building's category (e.g., dual occupancy, multi residential).

3. Any type of inclusions (e.g., garage, landscaping).

4. Your plans (as a PDF attachment).

5. A file description.

6. Your 'in-principle' agreement.

7. Your project reference number.

What you get in return:

Once our team receives your application, we will provide a response within ten (10) business days. Your submission will receive one of three (3) outcomes:

1. Acceptance

This means your NPC request meets our requirements and you are free to move on to 'Step 5: Lodge a development application (DA) with the ACT Government'.

2. Conditional acceptance

This means your NPC request meets our requirements so long as the conditions detailed in the acceptance are adhered to. You can now move on to 'Step 5: Lodge a development application (DA) with the ACT Government'.

3. Failure

This means your NPC request does not meet our requirements. We will provide comments explaining why your NPC request has not been accepted. To receive an acceptance, you must adjust the non-compliant elements of your plans (or documentation) before restarting the submission process* from 'Step 1: Gather information'.

* Restarting an application does not incur a fee.

What's next?

Once your application has received an acceptance, please move on to 'Step 5: Lodge a development application (DA) with the ACT Government'.

Step 5: Lodge a development application (DA) with the ACT Government ]

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What you need to do:

Now that you have a pre-DA network protection compliance, you can lodge a development application (DA) through the ACT Government's development portal.

If your project doesn't require DA approval, please move on to 'Step 6: Submit detailed designs'.

What you get in return:

If you successfully complete the ACT Government's process, you will receive development approval for your project.

Remember that this only gives you an approval for what you intend to build, not how you are going to build it.

What's next?

Once you have received development approval from the ACT Government (or if your project is exempt), please move on to 'Step 6: Submit detailed designs'.

Step 6: Submit detailed designs ]

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What you need to do:

Once you have received development approval (or determined your project is exempt), you must:

1. Complete our design form pack (DFP) for your detailed design.

2. Submit an external services plan (ESP) for your detailed design.

3. Submit both the DFP and your ESP to for 'final design acceptance'*.

* This is a free service.

Please note: If your project alters the existing water or wastewater mains you must:

  • Sign a hydraulic services deed.

  • Provide evidence of insurances and any security bonds.

  • Engage a chartered engineer to perform the main's design.


What you get in return:

We will review your proposal and reach out if there are any issues. At this stage, we may also provide a revised estimate for your WSCC charge (if applicable). We usually respond to submissions/resubmissions within 10-15 business days.

If your designs meet our requirements, you will receive 'final design acceptance', the estimate for your WSCC charge (if applicable) and an executed hydraulic services deed.


What's next?

Once you have received 'final design acceptance', please move on to 'Step 7: Request a quotation'.

Step 7: Request a quotation ]

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What you need to do:

Once you have received 'final design acceptance' you must request a quotation for any works required of us and submit it to

Only Icon Water is authorised to work on live assets or where there are changes for the connection/disconnection of our services. You must finalise payment of any quotations before the proposed connection/disconnection date. Any delays in payment may delay your project's completion.

Please remember: You must engage suitably qualified (and experienced) trades persons to complete any alterations to your internal plumbing, including the line from our meter (or connection point) to your house.


What you get in return:

We will review your request and aim to provide a written quote within ten (10) business days, although resubmissions can take longer.


What's next?

Once you have lodged an application for a written quote, please move on to 'Step 8: Commence construction (and install connections)'.

Please note: Deferring your quote request, and payment, to the end of the water/sewer service's construction may delay connection/disconnection.

Step 8: Commence construction (and install connections) ]

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What you need to do:

1. Submit advice on the commencement of works to two weeks prior to construction.

2. You coordinate site enquiries, material inspection, hold points, tests and site visits by directly contacting Icon Water’s inspector.

3. If applicable, you must request a WSCC invoice 90 days before the completion of construction (for all proposed water and sewer services). This notification must be sent to

Once construction is complete, you must provide the following hand-over documents:

- Application for Provisional Certificate of Operations

- Work as Executed (WAEs)

- Tie books

- Bill of Quantities

- Records and test results

We will advise you if more documents are required.

This documentation should be submitted to


What you get in return:

We will connect/disconnect your project to/from our existing network once:

- Your construction has been completed.

- Your documents have been submitted and accepted.

- Our inspectors have cleared the site for connection.

- All outstanding payments have been made.

We try to complete connections/disconnections within 25 business days.

Please remember: We cannot connect/disconnect your services until the works are complete, documents have been accepted and all payments are made.


What's next?

Once your site has been connected/disconnected from our network, please move on to 'Step 9: Obtain a provisional certificate of operation'.

Step 9: Obtain a provisional certificate of operation ]

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What you need to do:

Once construction is complete and your site has been connected/disconnected to/from our network, you must request a hand-over inspection. We will only conduct this inspection if:

1. All construction, including landscaping, has been completed within the clearances of our assets (noted on the accepted drawings).

2. All outstanding invoices have been paid.

If your project meets these requirements you can request an inspection via


What you get in return:

We will conduct a hand-over inspection within ten (10) business days of your request.

If your site passes our inspection you will receive a provisional certificate of occupation.

Receiving this certificate triggers a twelve (12) month defect and liability period. During this time you are liable for the cost of repairs to any defects in the new water/wastewater services.


What's next?

Once the defects and liability period has ended, please move on to 'Step 10: Request a certificate of operation'.

Step 10: Request a certificate of operation ]

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What you need to do:

At the end of the defect and liability period, usually twelve (12) months, you must request a certificate of operation via


What you get in return:

The certificate of operation transfers ownership and responsibility of some assets to us.

Please remember: You are responsible for maintaining all pipes and plumbing on the house side of the meter/connection point.


What's next?

Once you have received a certificate of operation the submission process is complete.


We’re always happy to help 

For general queries, you can contact us directly at Our team will do their best to respond within 24 hours. 

If you need a bit more assistance, or just prefer talking to a person, you can call us on 02 6248 3111 (select option 3)